More Plants: A Vegan Podcast by Brownble

More Plants: A Vegan Podcast by Brownble

Hosted by: Brownble

How to start, continue and enjoy eating vegan or plant based for your Health, the Animals and the Planet.


How to Get Started with a Plant-Based or Vegan Diet

In todayā€™s post and episode Iā€™ll be sharing some beginner tips, suggestions and practices that can be helpful when youā€™re first getting started on this journey to eating more plants, to going vegan, to making as many...
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Frequently Asked Questions about Veganism and Vegan Diets, Part 2

Today's podcast episode is part 2 of our series on some of the most common questions vegans get asked, and some of the most common questions vegans have when they first make this change. In this installment Iā€™ll be...
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Frequently Asked Questions about Veganism and Vegan Diets, Part 1

In today's post and podcast episode, part 1 of a two part series, Iā€™ll be talking about some of those frequently asked vegan questions we get, and the tips and resources that have helped so many of you and that helped...
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Emotional Changes you Might Experience when Switching to a Vegan Diet

InĀ last weekā€™s episode and postĀ I talked a lot about the physical changes or common vegan side effects you might experience when going vegan, and today we are again talking about those initial days, weeks or months as...
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Side Effects or Physical Changes you May Experience when Switching to a Vegan or Plant Based Diet

When we talk about theĀ basics regarding vegan diets and making the transition, it's important to talk about those first few days, weeks and months into going vegan. I know that I personally had so many questions...
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What if I canā€™t do it all? Vegan Diets, Plant Based Diets, Flexitarian, Pescatarian, What do they all Mean and Where to Start?

Have you ever wondered what it means to be a vegan, a vegetarian, a flexitarian or a pescatarian? What about the difference between a vegan diet, a plant based diet or a plant forward diet? Welcome to our latest...
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The Road to More Plants

We are so excited to introduce you to our new podcast "More Plants", a revamped, updated and fresh new version of our old show The Brownble Podcast. In today's episode I share what you'll be able to find in upcoming...
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We're Changing Our Name: Updates and the Future of our Podcast

Hi everyone! I come bearing some news today about the future of our podcast. Listen in for this quick announcement before something new begins! To tide you over with more content while you wait, make sure to visit...
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Interviews from The Brownble Podcast: Clinical Psychologist Verena Kacinskis on Grief and Grieving after Loss, Separation or Endings (Part 2)

Welcome everyone, to part 2 of this two part episode on grief and the process of grieving with special guest clinical psychologist and researcherĀ Verena Kacinskis, my dear friend, and who to this day has some of the...
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Interviews from The Brownble Podcast: Clinical Psychologist Verena Kacinskis on Grief and Grieving after Loss, Separation or Endings (Part 1)

This episode, which I like to think of as: two friends walk into a bar and talk about grief, is raw, honest, and it is meant to bring you support if you are grieving, if the passing of a loved one is near, if it has...
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Interviews from The Brownble Podcast: Brighde Reed of World Vegan Travel on 9 Tips you Need to Know When Travelling as a Vegan

The travel episode you've all been waiting for! Brighde Reed of World Vegan Travel is here to give us all the tips you'll ever need for fun, delicious vegan travel. Brighde is a passionate vegan and advocate for...
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Interviews from The Brownble Podcast: Victoria Moran on Going and Staying Vegan for Over 38 Years, Tips for New Vegans, the Spiritual Meaning Behind our Food Choices, Veganizing Yoga and More!

There are hundreds of ways to introduce Victoria, and Iā€™m about to share so many of the incredible things sheā€™s done, but to me, she was the very first author that made me see that there was a connection between my...
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