FREE Vegan Breakfast and Brunch Cooking Course

Our FREE Vegan Breakfast and Brunch Cooking Course is Live!

news on being vegan vlog May 31, 2017

It's finally time to share what we've been working on, teasing you about, recipe testing for, filming for, editing for... 


Drumroll please!


Our brand new breakfast and brunch classics course is here!


It also happens to be a FREE vegan cooking course for you to start enjoying and watching right away. 

Breakfast is my favorite meal of the day and it was also the one I struggled with the most when I went vegan because I just didn't know how to substitute my eggs and bacon, and yes, I was a total eggs, sausage, lumberjack style breakfast eater before then. Blame it on the fact that as a kid I was allergic to milk, so the whole cereal concept was lost at my house. It was bacon with a side of bacon... all the way.

That's why I chose this to be the topic of our first individual online cooking course for Brownble. I wanted you to know that you can have your pancakes, French toast, breakfast sausages, bacon, frittatas, scrambles, -you name it we've got it- and you can make them all vegan. That's where we come in... 


Meet our Breakfast and Brunch Classics Vegan Online Cooking Course!






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