There are matches that are made in heaven, and just off the top of my head I can think of a few: fries and ketchup, cookies and milk, chips and salsa, and yes... the famous... peanut butter and jelly. It's a childhood classic for a reason, and for me, the fun of eating means going back to those early favorites. The recipe we're sharing today, which was filmed and created specially for our friends at the amazing non-profit Vegan Outreach, is the perfect combo of one of Carlos's favorites (French toast), and mine (pb and j). This means that just in time for Valentine's Day, we decided to make a love hybrid-love baby-breakfast goodie.... 'cause nothing is more romantic than breakfast. Enter the pb and j stuffed vegan French toast, trust me when I tell you you're not prepared for the amazing layers of flavor you'll get with this dish. It's pure bliss on a plate.
Vegan Outreach is one of our favorite organizations. They're part of our Brownble Gives Back program and they do what I consider to be the toughest and most necessary job when it comes to inspiring people to go vegan, they actually do the footwork (and online work) of helping people make the transition in a way that is doable and sustainable, traveling through college campuses across the US, Mexico and other countries to help spread the word and help people go through this transition.

We just love them, and I'm always honored when they have me over to create and film a recipe for them. Check them out here! They have a vegan mentorship program and a ton of helpful content all created under the watchful eye of my favorite vegan registered dietitian nutritionist Jack Norris.
Ok, I bet you want to stuff some french toast with peanut butter so let's get to it shall we?
Enjoy the video, printable and recipe below!
Yield: 4 servings ⎮ Prep time: 5-10 minutes ⎮ Cook time: 10-15 minutes
- 1 tablespoon ground flaxseeds
- 3 tablespoons water
- 1 & 1/2 cups non-dairy milk
- A pinch of salt
- 1/3 cup flour
- 1 & 1/2 teaspoons vanilla extract
- 8 slices of your favorite sandwich bread
- 6 tablespoons of your favorite jam or jelly
- 6 tablespoons peanut butter
- A bit of oil or non-dairy butter for the pan
For serving:
- Fresh fruit (optional)
- Maple syrup
Whisk together the ground flaxseeds and water in a small bowl. Set it aside and let it become thicker, like a gel.
In a deep dish, whisk together the milk, salt, flour and vanilla.
Add the flaxseed gel to the milk mixture and whisk until combined.
Make your pb&j “sandwiches” by adding some peanut butter and jelly or jam to one piece of bread and then topping it with another piece of bread, just like if you were making pb and j sandwiches. You’ll have 4 sandwiches total.
Heat a very non-stick pan on medium-high heat and coat it with the oil or non-dairy butter.
Place a sandwich in the batter and let it soak in some of the liquid, turning a couple of times, then immediately transfer it to the hot pan.
Cook until golden and flip. Remove from the pan when golden on both sides.
Repeat with the remaining sandwiches or do them all at once in an electric griddle or multiple pans.
Cut them in half, arrange them on a plate, and top with fresh fruit (if desired) and some maple syrup. Enjoy!
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