Tips for Sharing your Life with a Non-Vegan

Tips for Sharing your Life with a Non-Vegan

on being vegan Feb 13, 2017

It's almost Valentine's Day! This time of year I always think of making a delicious romantic recipe that you can share with loved ones, but this time around I decided to make a different kind of video for you, since so many of you have written to ask for support in this area. It has to do with all the emotional and practical issues that arise when we share our life with non vegans.

Through the years I've heard people say that it's extremely difficult to share your life with someone who doesn't eat the way that you eat, that for the health of the relationship you should date only vegans, the list goes on and on and I'm here to tell you something completely different. Every day, at every table, in every city, in every country, people are sitting down at the table to have different meals. Whether it's because of allergies, food preferences, picky eaters or insert reason here, it can be done, and it is done, ALL THE TIME.

I'm always all about inclusion, about being empathetic, about understanding that we all have our different relationships with food, our different histories, attachment and beliefs about food. Which is why for some people, making the change is much more difficult than for others.

If you're currently in a relationship with someone who isn't vegan, whether that is your other half, your parents, your children, your roommates, other relatives or friends, things can be managed, and the tips I'm sharing in the video below will help a ton.



Have you been struggling with any issues when it comes to sharing your life with a non-vegan? Leave it in the comments below if you'd like a little support. Likewise if you have some awesome tips that perhaps I forgot to mention.




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