Welcome to Brownble

news Oct 18, 2015

Hi everyone, welcome to brownble.

I'm Kim, the co-creator of brownble and the writer of our little brownble blog. By now, you've probably already seen the trailer for our online cooking school, and you know a little bit more about why we created it. Today I want to take you a little bit behind the story of how it came to be, and I want to share with you my big plans for this very special place, our blog.

The truth is that brownble first popped into our heads one day over a cup of coffee, when I was talking (yet again!) about my dream of teaching people how to cook vegan food. It was always a far away dream for me. Something I might be able to do when -insert reason here- happened. It was right around my 10th sip of the soy latte I was drinking, that my husband (who is as techie as they come) turned around and said "I have an idea". So basically you can thank him for everything that is about to happen around here. I still can't believe that less than a year ago I was going about business as usual, without a clue that something like this was going to take over our lives, and I mean that in the best, most amazing way possible.

There are many more fun and 'oh so true' details about us in our about page, but just as a brief introduction, we're Kim and Carlos. 

We're married, and we have two furry babies we love to death, who insisted they had to make an appearance in our videos. Carlos is a doctor, but that's just his day job. After he hangs his white lab coat, he's up to his ears in cameras, mics, lights, editing software and all sorts of techie stuff. Yup! He's in charge of filming, lighting, sound, editing, graphic design, and most of our website (I help with it too, although he would probably say I just annoy him because I'm so indecisive!). He also has a rock and roll band where he plays the guitar and is the lead singer. So yes, he keeps busy. 

Me? I'm a teacher, and I've been cooking for as long as I can remember. I love being in the kitchen, and this love grew exponentially the moment we decided to become vegan (that story is coming to our blog soon!). I'm in charge of recipe testing, recipe creation, content creation, I'm the girl in front of the camera, I do all our food photography (yup! I love taking photos), I also do a small part of the editing process and I'm constantly feeding Carlos stuff while he's on the computer. I feed anyone who crosses through the door. I practically live in our kitchen. If only I loved doing the dishes I'd be in a constant state of heaven!

I'm also very lucky to have one of the best "jobs" (it hardly feels like one!) at brownble: connecting with you. My favorite part, second only to licking the beaters. I will be the one spending time with you in this blog. This is the place where you and I get to hang out together, where I can answer your questions, get to know you, and where you can get to know us. It's the place where I'll be sharing wonderful content that will help you along the path of healthy cooking and eating, cooking more at home, and loving your time in the kitchen. We'll get your kitchen and meal planning organized, give you a ton of ideas and hold your hand along the way. We'll get to meet amazing people who are doing incredible things, and I'll point you to great resources and game changers. It's also the place where we'll talk about going vegan and the challenges (and the fun!) that this might entail. It is a place for everyone, no matter what your diet is right now, but especially for people who are vegan, making the transition to vegan, or for anyone who wants to start cooking with more vegetables and see where the ride takes them. Everyone is welcome!

Now I bet you might be wondering what exactly is brownble? Visit our About page to learn more. 

I'll see you again with our first official post very soon! I can't thank you enough for visiting and spending time with us. Brownble is our third little baby (don't tell the dogs), and it fills our hearts to be able to connect with you here and make it a special place you'll love to hang out in.



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