I could write a whole series of posts and episodes dedicated to two of my greatest loves, podcasts and books and today we’re going to talk about the former, and I’ll be giving you some of my favorite shows and episodes, to keep you company and hold your hand through whatever you might be going through. Today I'll be talking about some of my current favorite podcasts on a variety of topics as well as a few specific episodes I highly recommend listening to. From inspirational and motivational to just plain entertaining and fun, I'll talk about what is coming through my headphones lately while I walk the dogs or do the dishes, in the hopes that I can add some goodies to your podcast repertoire. From the best vegan podcasts, to my favorites in the areas of nutrition through an anti-diet non-restrictive and intuitive eating lens, to great interview based shows, to podcasts about the creative process, writing and books, current events, the occasional true crime guilty pleasure podcast, and much more.
I can tell you without a doubt that not a day goes by in which I don’t listen to a podcast episode. Not only are they fun, but they have been so important during any big change I’ve made in my life, from going vegan, to finding intuitive eating, to doing so much of the personal growth work I’ve done, not to mention the pure fun of some of those guilty pleasures (hello Serial Podcast!).
I didn’t know what it was about podcasts that made some of those content creators and messages touch my soul in a very big way until we created ours, The Brownble Podcast. Out of all the forms of media we produce, from our written posts, to our captions and social media posts, to our videos, sitting in a quiet empty room with nothing but a microphone in front of you, makes you pour your soul out. It makes you dare to put things out there before you do it in any other format because it just feels so much more personal. Even though you never see your listeners, even though there are no comments in podcast apps or immediate interaction, you feel connected to the listener in such a big way. It’s also an amazing way to expand your horizons, to hear the stories of people who are just like you, as well as people who are completely different from you. They are empathy builders, information givers, and so many are beyond fun and entertaining.
A Vegan Wellness Podcast that helps and supports people on their journey to making more vegan choices and find joy and peace with food along the way, merging veganism and intuitive eating through a non-restrictive approach.
Speaking of podcasts and the people that create such inspiring content for free, please consider leaving your favorite podcasts a rating and review, especially on Apple Podcasts, it goes such a long way to help support the work we do and it takes no money, and just two seconds and it means the world to us content creators and podcasters.
Now that the podcast love confession is over, let’s talk about some recent favorites I’ve been listening to.
Some of my Current Favorite Podcasts
On Nutrition and Food (with an anti-restrictive focus)
The Nutrition Matters Podcast with Paige Smathers RD
Sadly at its podcast end, but with a huge backlog of episodes I come back to again and again
A podcast on gentle nutrition, intuitive eating and very nuanced, including episodes on the nuances of merging intuitive eating and veganism.
Don’t Salt my Game with Laura Thomas PhD
A podcast on intuitive eating, body image and finding a happy place with food.
The Train Happy Podcast with Tally Rye
A fantastic podcast on intuitive movement and finding the joy in moving your body in a way that works for you.
I can’t mention anything related to vegan food without talking about the podcast that introduced me to podcasts, the vegan queen herself, Colleen Patrick Goudreau. Her podcast is all about veganism, from an animal protection lens, covering lots of interesting nuanced topics and an approach I love, of embracing the great diversity in vegans, welcoming them all into this lifestyle.
A fantastic podcast on eating disorder, and disordered eating recovery, with great episodes on body image, intuitive eating and more.
On Mental Health:
The Sanctus Podcast on Mental Health
A great podcast interviewing people on their journey dealing with anxiety, depression, shame, other forms of mental illness, and more.
Very short episodes on specific things we often struggle with on a daily basis, with practical, actionable tips to help us move past them
One of my all-time favorite podcasts which sadly came to an end but has a huge backlog. It’s an old-school advice column turned podcast with the author of Wild and Tiny Beautiful Things Cheryl Strayed and writer Steve Almond
Current Events and Fantastic Interviews
One of the most popular podcasts, alternating between interviews of popular public figures and experts on specific topics, this podcast hosted by Dax Shepard and Monica Padman is very entertaining and so often insightful, with very deep conversations
A tragedy has occurred this week with the announcement of this amazing show coming to an end (they have a huge backlog so there’s plenty to listen to). Hosted by writers and columnists Dolly Alderton and Pandora Sykes, a fantastic pop culture and current events podcasts with the funniest hosts you can’t help but fall in love with, and with great social commentary on difficult issues. You’ll feel very British just by listening to it!
Oprah’s Super Soul Conversations
Queen 2 at our house. A wise soul that needs no introduction, interviewing thought leaders who are creating so much change in the world.
On Music, Writing and the Creative Process
One of my favorite podcasts this year, celebrating and going deep into the insightful, charismatic, empathic activist and singer songwriter Dolly Parton (aka the queen at my house). You will fall in love with just how down to Earth she is, with the magic of storytelling and songwriting, with how she has united political sides and how she’s put a spotlight on difficult issues in the most approachable way. A celebration of music and the process writers and musicians go through.
A fantastic in-depth look at the creative process of some of the world’s most prominent writers. Pay special attention to episodes in which Cheryl Strayed or Dani Shapiro are guests.
Deep and thought provoking interviews to actors, directors, musicians and artists about their craft
On reading
Three fantastic book podcasts where I get so many of my book recommendations.
On Creating Big Life Changes, Starting Over, and Other Personal Development Topics
En Defensa Propia (if you speak Spanish)
A great podcast by fellow Venezuelan Erika de la Vega on women changing their lives often later in life and reinventing themselves in the workplace
How to Fail with Elizabeth Day
A fantastic, funny podcast on making mistakes and the wonderful places they take us to
Family Secrets with Dani Shapiro
Stories of family secrets revealed and families recovering from their impact
In my opinion, one of the best produced and researched podcasts out there, it’s hard to even describe this one, but it’s inspiring to say the least. Just listen. Thank me later.
A new discovery that has me doing a little hop every time a new episode airs. With a different focus every few episodes, very in depth conversations on topics like forgiveness, trusting your gut, creating changes in your life, and so much more. You’ll love this one and Kelly is funny and so relatable.
On Mindfulness and Meditation
My favorite meditations and meditation podcast of the moment. I love listening to these when I go on long walks in the woods
Secular Buddhism with Noah Rasheta
Great Buddhist teachings told in a familiar way, for the non-Buddhist mindfulness enthusiasts like me!
Yoga Girl Podcast: Conversations from the Heart with Rachel Brathan aka Yoga Girl
Very raw and vulnerable conversations on the struggles we all face daily and how to be present through it all
On Investigative Journalism / True Crime Podcasts
I had to mention 3 guilty pleasures of mine, that are the equivalent of a page-turning thriller
Some Must-Listen to Episodes
The Train Happy Podcast with Tally Rye
Episode 5 on Building Body Image Resilience with Lindsey and Lexie Kite of Beauty Redefined
Armchair Expert
An incredible episode coming from a very unexpected (at least for me) source. On mindfulness in action and changing your life one thought at a time. Yowza this one was good!
The Recovery Warrior Show
"Help! I Don't Want to Gain Weight", Advice from Eating Disorder Expert, Jennifer Rollin
Kelly Corrigan Presents
Ep. 2 Never Give Up? with Nadia Bolz- Weber
An amazing episode on the downfalls of the “not quitting” mentality
Now go listen to some podcasts, say thank you by leaving these wonderful peeps some good reviews and get inspired.
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